These young adult drama therapy sessions are offered for individuals 14 years and older. As artistic possibilities change depending on the needs of the individual, please see the DRAMATHERAPY page for more details!
Issues often addressed in session:
- Depression and anxiety
- Existential issues and crisis, identity and belonging
- Search for meaning
- Feeling of disconnection
- Mourning and loss
- Trauma and violence
- Sexual
- Intergenerational systemic childhood
- Lack of self-esteem
Themes explored:
- Spirituality, beliefs and values.
- Identity issues:
- Sexuality
- Gender
- Neurodivergence
- Culture and Multiculturalism
- Expression of Desires, Emotions, Strengths and Creativity
- Systems of Power and Oppression
- Family and Intimate Relationships
- Caregiving and Burnout Prevention
- Life History and Resistance Tools
- Stories, Myths and Legends
- Ancestral Wisdom
- Relationship to the Body and Sensations
Cost: 125$ to 160$ taxes / 50 minutes
*Receipts available as Naturopath and Canadian Counsellor
Please note that my consultations are not a crisis service If you need immediate and constant help, please refer to your regional emergency services or the resources page.